The God’s figure as a builder according to the Old Testament narrative


  • Andrzej J. Obidowicz Kraków



God, Old Testament, cosmogony, building, builder, designer, investor, sanctuary


Literal meaning of many fragments of Hebrew Bible represents a function of God as the builder, expressed by active participle בנה bōne(h). The paper deals with God’s acting concerning creation of the world as well as his direct and indirect activity as the investor, the designer and the builder of some buildings; mainly Jewish sanctuaries. That biblical representation of God’s acting is closely connected with cosmogony and theology of ancient Hebrews. The paper does not deal with allegoric or symbolic meaning of the biblical fragments analysing here. As the result of the analysis there is draw out the conclusion that the function of God as a builder displays an important aspect of his biblical figure.


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How to Cite

Obidowicz, A. J. (2015). The God’s figure as a builder according to the Old Testament narrative. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 68(1), 5–16.


