Wychowanie w rodzinie do słuchania słowa Bożego
https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.269Słowa kluczowe:
Wychowanie religijne, dziecko, rodzina, słowo BożeAbstrakt
The article deals with the issue of children being encouraged to listen to the word of God under parental guidance. The case of Samuel described in the Book of Samuel (1 Sm 3, 4–5. 8–10) shows that preparing children to listen to the word of God is possible and needed. God may talk to people directly in their consciousness, but this is by extraordinary means. God chooses the mediation of people as a regular way of communicating with the human beings. It is the parents who play the most important role in the process of preparing the child to listen to the word of God. In general, the aim of this is to strengthen their integral faith, i.e. the faith influencing daily life. There are also some particular aims discussed in the article, followed by some methods of helping pupils to develop their skill to give heed to the word of God, and the rules which should be respected in the discussed process. As the end of the article, the case of Antonietta Meo is being presented as the fruit of good religious upbringing towards the listening to the words of God.
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