The Voice from Heaven in John 12 : 28 – its Reception and Theological Meaning in the Bible


  • Joanna Nowińska Kraków



Heaven, the voice from heaven, God’s love, salvation


The heaven is always mentioned with reference to God in the Bible. Several times biblical authors of the Greek text use the term ἡ φωνὴ ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ to describe one of the way God’s activity. There are also various receptions of that and different human reactions – from admire to misunderstanding. John 12 : 28ff is one of such texts – more like a summary of a few points of view. Through the contextual analyze appear the love between God and Son and invitation for everybody to participate in that mystery – mystery of salvation.


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How to Cite

Nowińska, J. (2015). The Voice from Heaven in John 12 : 28 – its Reception and Theological Meaning in the Bible. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 68(1), 17–46.


