Profession of the religious as a sacramental in the context of the Church’s liturgy


  • Adelajda Sielepin Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Profession of the religious, vows, baptism, Eucharist, Holy Spirit, sacraments


In the article the profession of the religious has been presented according to the mutual relationship between sacramentals and sacraments. The study based on the euchologies of the new ritual and of the proper Mass orders proves the clear reference of the profession to baptism, Eucharist and indirectly to confirmation. It has been also emphasized that sacraments and sacramentals are mutually conditioned. They allow Christians for constant and creative connection with God and confirm complementarity of the principles ex opere operato and ex opere operantis in liturgy. This is Spirit the Paraclete, who enables to participate in the mystery of the bridal engagement with Christ in mature and fruitful way. Conscious commitment to the Holy Spirit, who should be associated with the sacrament of confirmation and with each epiclesis, helps to experience the act of profession and the results of it in the eschatological dimension. The profession of the religious, which belongs to the constitutive sacramentals, has an essential impact into the shaping and development of the participatio actuosa of the consecrated persons in the liturgical life of the Church.


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How to Cite

Sielepin, A. (2016). Profession of the religious as a sacramental in the context of the Church’s liturgy. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 69(1), 23–47.


