Koncepcje mesjańskie judaizmu po deportacji babilońskiej


  • Sylwester Jędrzejewski Kraków




Dramatic events of year 587/586 triggered off a new way of thinking of Israelites over their history. It helped to think about resurrection not only in a traditional way – a ruler from the House of David, the King–Messiah and the Shepherd–Messiah. The lacks of political independence made people think of a new Kingdom. They were looking for a nationalist Messiah, who would realistically restore the kingdom of David and Salomon. The Son of Man, through his deep relationship with God, expressed a longing for ideal Kingdom, where God can reign. The Messiah, just and chosen by God, would represent those, who saw Israel as a great Kingdom of Israel, perfectly keeping the Law and living in peace. The Son of God, mysterious pre-existent Messiah, represents those, who yearn for a new and great leader, who is supported by almighty God and who would restore a worldly, wonderful Kingdom.



Jak cytować

Jędrzejewski, S. (2004). Koncepcje mesjańskie judaizmu po deportacji babilońskiej. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 57(3), 173–182. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.513


