The Liturgy of Welcoming Shabbat and Family Relationships




Judaism, Shabbat, family, identity


This article contains an analysis of typical liturgical texts for the welcoming of Shabbat with regards to their impact on relationships in the family. It deals with specific acts and words in the order in which they appeared in a typical prayer book: the lighting of candles and the appropriate blessings; the welcoming of the angels; the Kiddush; the meal and the singing of songs. All these elements contain factors that are conducive to the strengthening of family ties. Furthermore, celebrating the liturgy emphasizes the communal experience of God throughout the generations and at a given time as well as the dependence of the lives of people on God’s work.


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How to Cite

Rucki, M. (2018). The Liturgy of Welcoming Shabbat and Family Relationships. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 71(2), 139–159.


