Who was “the most excellent Theophilus?”


  • Paweł Marek Mucha Poznań




Gospel of Luke, Acts of the Apostles, an address, most excellent Theophilus, the proconsul of Cyprus Sergius Paulus


The Gospel of Luke is addressed to “the most excellent Theophilus” (Łk 1, 3). “The- ophilus” was a high governmental Roman official. Both the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are addressed to this “Theophilus.” It could be addressed to Theophilus him- self or to “dear to God” (“loved by God”), as the word “theophilus” means “dear to God” (“loved by God”).

The proconsul of Cyprus, Sergius Paulus, was “the most excellent Theophilus” or “loved by God” or “dear to God.” It explains a lot about Luke’s writing style: not only is his Gre- ek diction unusually elevated for koine, but also he is extremely careful throughout both of his books not to offend Roman sensibilities. Roman characters are always portrayed favo- urably. Luke’s Pontius Pilate declares Jesus’ innocence three times and the scene where Ro- man soldiers mock Jesus and crown him with thorns is removed.

Luke’s writing aimed at placing Christianity in a favourable light with Roman officials. He expected these works to be spread and widely circulated. He wrote his works not only for the proconsul of Cyprus, Sergius Paulus (“the most excellent Theophilus”), but also for all people in all ages who think of themselves as “dear to God.”



How to Cite

Mucha, P. M. (2008). Who was “the most excellent Theophilus?”. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 61(4), 245–256. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.365


