Several Observations Regarding the Genealogy of the Kings of Israel and Judah




chronology, dynasty, Israel, king


The genealogy of the kings of Israel and Judah (the Davidic dynasty) is the result of the Biblical author’s intended compositions. These kings were supposed to be juxtaposed with the patriarchs. Particularly important were Enoch, the seventh patriarch, and Noah, the tenth patriarch. The former was righteous and thus was summoned to heaven, while the latter saved humankind during the Great Flood. Manasseh and Jeroboam II were ignoble; thus, they are the opposite of Enoch and thus they were situated in the seventh to last place in the list of kings. Jehu and Gotham saved Israel and Judah, respectively; thus, they are the antithesis of Noah and thus they were situated in tenth to last place in the list of kings. Furthermore, due to the number of patriarchs the genealogies of the kings of Israel and Judah each had twenty-two rulers. Thus, the genealogy of the rulers does not reflect the true succession. This is the main cause of numerous difficulties in establishing the chronology of the kings of Israel and Judah.


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How to Cite

Mucha, P. M. (2020). Several Observations Regarding the Genealogy of the Kings of Israel and Judah. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 73(1), 25–58.


