Eschatological Themes in the Catechumenal and Baptismal Rites: The Example of the Catechetical Homily of Theodore of Mopsuestia




Theodor of Mopsuestia, eschatology, School of Antioch, catechumenal and baptismal rites, Christian initiation


Although the theme of eschatology is not at the forefront of baptismal theology, it plays an important role in it. It is referred to in both the catechumenal rites and during the baptism ceremony. This theme is particularly prevalent in the catechetical teachings of Theodore of Mospuestia (350–428). In the, he explains the process and theology of the sacrament of baptism and of the Eucharist. This article summarizes the most important elements of this teaching and indicates the moments during the celebration when eschatological elements seem to be particularly emphasized; it also tries to ask about the cause of similar practices.

Author Biography

Anna Grzywa, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Anna Grzywa – doktor nauk humanistycznych (doktorat napisany na Wydziale Filozoficznym w Katedrze Historii Kultury Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie). Obszar zainteresowań: Antyk chrześcijański (historia, literatura, sztuka, teologia).


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How to Cite

Grzywa, A. (2017). Eschatological Themes in the Catechumenal and Baptismal Rites: The Example of the Catechetical Homily of Theodore of Mopsuestia. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 70(3), 245–258.


