Historia formularza mszalnego uroczystości Wszystkich Świętych


  • Jan Szczych Lwów



Słowa kluczowe:

Kult, święci, Wszystkich Świętych (Omnium Sanctorum), rozwój, formularz liturgiczny, Missale Romanum, lekcjonarz, teksty mszalne


The cult of the saints had its beginning in the Christian ancient times. Since then it was transformed in its own celebrations in honour of All the Saints. The official liturgy of the feast-day of Omnium Sanctorum (All Saints) was stabilized in close relation to the development of collective worship of the saints in the West. 

The historical liturgical witnesses from the Middle Ages and of the Trident Council time demonstrate a progressive and very natural process of establishment the missal texts of this liturgical celebration. The form of some liturgical directions in the current Missale Romanum (Latin Missal), unchanged for ages, confirms the continuity and constancy of this celebration in the history of Catholic Church. These missal directions explicitly show the same idea of celebration and timeless meaning of the All Saints Solemnity.



Jak cytować

Szczych, J. (2009). Historia formularza mszalnego uroczystości Wszystkich Świętych. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 62(3), 195–210. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.207