The Impact of Hellenism on Christianity at the Dawn of History and Up to the Present Day


  • Piotr Liszka Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu



Hellenism, Christianity, beginning, history, impact, culture, Holy Scripture, similarity, originality


The impact of Hellenism on Christianity has been present right from the start up to the present day, and it will certainly remain so till the end of the world. It poses a threat, since the phenomenon is all-encompassing, difficult to pinpoint, and hence hard to deal with. Not everything in this cultural amalgamation is bad, however. The danger arises when cultures are mixed, which leads up to the contention that everything is good and what we call evil may, as it is argued, be regarded as good when coupled with the good as a complementary element. Hellenism poses a threat to Christianity. Some of its elements may only be useful when Christian principles are not compromised, and when full orthodoxy is preserved. 


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How to Cite

Liszka, P. (2017). The Impact of Hellenism on Christianity at the Dawn of History and Up to the Present Day. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 70(1), 5–25.


