The Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Psalm’s Depiction 122 (121)




Psalm 122, Jerusalem, pilgrimage, joy, house, peace


The article takes up the analysis of Psalm 122 from the perspective of the pilgrimage phenomenon in old Israel. Probably it was created by the influx of pilgrimage which the psalmist made to Jerusalem together with his relatives. After the return, fixing his thoughts in his mind, he wrote for himself as well as for the future generations a text, which at the end was formed as a Psalm 122. It is by some part an explanation of pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Universality and timelessness of the words given allows to distinguish in it three aspects of the pilgrimage road: (1) Organising and coming to Jerusalem (v. 1bc–2), (2) Praise of Jerusalem (v. 3–5), (3) Wishes for Jerusalem and its citizens (v. 6–9) that became the subject of the present analysis.

Author Biography

Janusz Wilk, Katowice

Janusz Wilk, kapłan archidiecezji katowickiej; dr hab. teologii w zakresie biblistyki. Ostatnie publikacje książkowe: Charakterystyka i zadania przełożonego wspólnoty chrześcijańskiej według Listów Pasterskich. Studium biblijno-pragmatyczne, Katowice: Księgarnia św. Jacka 2015; Kapłan jako dobry żołnierz Chrystusa Jezusa. Aspekt biblijno-pastoralny, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Emmanuel 2013; Wierzyć Bogu, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Księży Sercanów 2011; Pytania z drogi życia, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Emmanuel 2011.



How to Cite

Wilk, J. (2018). The Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Psalm’s Depiction 122 (121). The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 71(4), 293–303.


