Orkiestra króla Nabuchodonozora II czy zespół Antiocha IV Epifanesa? Kilka uwag muzykologa
The article is an attempt to answer two questions set at the beginning of the article about the instruments and the origin of the band described in the book of Daniel 3: 5, 7, 10 and 15. After short historical remarks, the current knowledge about the instruments mentioned in the book of Daniel is presented. To all of the seven terms (for comparative purposes) Greek and Latin equivalents were added, as well as the etymology. In case of the disputable terms the most important hypothesis were put forward, forming (more than once erroneously) mainly through the translational practice an image of the musical scene.
In the next part, first the Hellenic (2nd century B. C.) and then – supported by the author – Mesopotamian (6th century B. C.) hypothesis about the origin of the band are discussed. The subject of the article is set in the context of the reflections on the musical cultures of ancient Greece and Mesopotamia. The musicological discourse is based in the first place on the preserved iconographical evidence and, to a lesser degree, on the stationery one. Five modern Polish translations of Daniel 3: 5, 7, 10 and 15 and a comment on them form the final part of the article.
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