God, the Church, and the World in the Face of Covid-19

Lex orandi as an Inspiration for Christian Living at a Time of Pandemic





God, People of God, paschal mystery, liturgy, prayer, coronavirus, Covid-19, pandemic


The present time of the coronavirus pandemic is a challenge for all humanity. The Church, which lives in the present world, is called to experience the same events with all of humanity, although interpreting them through the lens of faith. One expression of such a reading of events is the liturgy, in which the Church addresses God, telling Him what it experiences and asking His for the appropriate succor in the current situation. Responding to the spiritual needs of the clergy and the faithful, the Holy See’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has released the text of a special Mass, entitled “In Time of Pandemic.” The contents of the prayers contained within it reveal clear theological lines that can help us to live as Christians during this time of trial. This article is an attempt at a hermeneutical reading of the collect of the above-mentioned Mass formula. The analyses that are presented in the text lead to theological conclusions concerning such basic issues such as the image of God, the identity of believers, the content of Christian prayer, and the lifestyle that the latter

In this context, “The Mass in Time of Pandemic” was created. The content of prayers contained in it reveals clear theological lines that can help us to live this time of trial in a Christian way.

This article is an attempt of hermeneutical reading of the collect of the Mass mentioned earlier. The analyses that are presented in the text lead to theological conclusions that include basic issues such as the image of God, the identity of believers, the content of Christian prayer and the style of life that it inspires.


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How to Cite

Jeziorski, S. (2020). God, the Church, and the World in the Face of Covid-19: Lex orandi as an Inspiration for Christian Living at a Time of Pandemic. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 73(2), 101–116. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.3637


