The Holy Spirit Acting in the Communication of the Word of God




New Testament, Holy Spirit, word of God, preaching


In many places, the New Testament presents the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. First, the gift of the Spirit is necessary to discern, accept, and understand the word that God directly communicates to man. Next, the preached word and the awakening and development of faith occur through His power; that is, the Spirit acts not only on the person who preaches the word but on the audience as well. The efficacy of preaching is the result of the activity of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the Word of God written on the pages of the Bible influences the reader and listener as it breathes the Spirit.


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How to Cite

Urbanek, B. (2018). The Holy Spirit Acting in the Communication of the Word of God. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 71(4), 341–361.


