Christological τόποι (places) in Matthew’s Infancy Narrative


  • Anna Gibek Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Gospel of St. Matthew, Infancy Narrative, Messiah, τόπος, place, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Egypt, Rama, Nazareth


In the infancy narrative, Matthew the evangelist describes specific places associated with the earthly life of Jesus: Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Egypt, Ramah, and Nazareth. These places show Jesus and allow for deeper and more accurate descriptions of the Christology of the Gospel. Bethlehem is the place of the birth and worship of the Messiah. For this reason, the small place is exalted, in opposition to Jerusalem, the place of death of the Messiah, which is deprived of its respect and rank in the Old Testament. The latter town embodies people who are reserved and hostile to Jesus. Meanwhile, Egypt and Ramah act as subjects: Egypt is the point to which Holy Family arrives and later leaves, repeating the journey of Israel, albeit in a perfect way. Ramah refers to the matriarch Rachel and her weeping over the Chosen People, who have rejected the Messiah. The primary city in Matthew’s infancy narrative is Nazareth, which describes Jesus and points to his messianic dignity and dedication to God.

Author Biography

Anna Gibek, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

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How to Cite

Gibek, A. (2016). Christological τόποι (places) in Matthew’s Infancy Narrative. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 69(3), 217–236.


