Pedagogical Instruction for Parents in Corpus Paulinum


  • Paweł Wańczyk Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Upbringing, pedagogy, formation children, youth, parents, father, mother, family, family relations


The Bible first and foremost focuses on spiritual issues, but also deals with matters related to everyday life. The upbringing of children belongs to the latter category. Despite the fact that it is a mundane activity, it has great significance, both worldly and supernatural, for the future life of a young person. This truth has become a stimulus for the author to undertake exegetical research concerning the pedagogical directions that are contained in the Pauline epistles, as well as in the Letter to the Hebrews. The analysis of selected passages emphasizes how important it is to take care of proper family relationships that are based on concern, respect, mutual understanding, and children’s obedience to their parents. It is vital to secure the material needs of sons and daughters, but also to make them empathetic and to encourage them to help people in need. What is more, when children behave inappropriately, parents should be strict and react immediately in order to make them aware of their wrong behavior. All of these suggestions stem from the faith in God, which for Christians should to be the main point of reference in their lives. It is only natural then that in St. Paul’s letters we can find verses appreciating the importance of early religious and Biblical education.


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How to Cite

Wańczyk, P. (2016). Pedagogical Instruction for Parents in Corpus Paulinum. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 69(3), 253–271.


