The Gospel of Luke – witness to the certainty of the received teachings


  • Piotr Blajer Studium Biblicum Franciscanum



Gospel of Luke, Luke’s prologue, Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, narrative plan of Luke


The Gospel of Luke is the only gospel that begins with a prologue. In this prologue Luke admits that he is aware that others have already attempted to write about events associated with the life and work of Jesus Christ. Although many have previously tried to describe the events that took place, Luke still feels need to recount them once again in a proper order and manner. The purpose of this article is to analyze Luke’s prologue as well as the plan of the third gospel presented in the prologue. Furthermore, the article analyses the criteria for certainty of received teaching which are the bases for Luke’s writings. The author begins with a linguistic analysis of the prologue. Then, he discusses the narrative plan of third evangelist and the gospel division into separate sections. He pays a special attention to so-called journey section which describes Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem (9 : 51–19 : 46). In conclusion, the author points to parallel presentation of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and the mission of the apostles (Luke 9 : 51, Acts 2 : 1).


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How to Cite

Blajer, P. (2015). The Gospel of Luke – witness to the certainty of the received teachings. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 68(2), 159–173.