Od Otniela do Saula. Początki państwowości izraelskiej
Period after Joshua’s death was very important in history of Israel. Unorganised tribes were been under influences of better-developed Canaanites and only begun to create more monolith society. Additional factors have been dangerous from outside and numerous invasions of enemies so sometimes Israel was a subordinate foreigner ruler.
Overcoming particularisms and trying to set against this situations Israelites inducted kind of rulers governing of federations of few tribes, who Bible call “the Judges”. Etymology of this term and similar examples from another regions of ancient Near East sign its sacro-political character. Has been trust that appointed they God alone in answer of petitions of Israelites. Book of Judges mentions row of names but not much we know about these persons. However seem that much of they it’s possible to relate with priestly tribe of Levites.
Situation becomes especially dangerous when Israelites have begun war with better-organised and armed Philistines. It was time of last and greatest judge, Samuel, who appointed first king of united state Israelites, Saul. He didn’t rule long and post successfully fights with Philistines was killed in battle. However earlier was happened something what caused Saul with Samuel and Yahweh “rejected” king. As his successor is induct David, who however got power just after Saul’s death.
On time of first king of Israel is date beginning of Yahwism as a state-religion. It didn’t mean Israelites were become monotheists but it was first step of this process where faith of Yahweh been one of most important factors keeping the sense unity among the Israelites.
Negative image of Saul in the Bible most probably created writers connected with later kings from David’s dynasty.Opublikowane
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