Spotkanie św. Pawła z przemienionym Jezusem pod Damaszkiem a przemienienie Jezusa na górze
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Jezus, Pan, Piotr, Paweł Apostoł, światło, głos, słuchać, mówić, widzieć, przemienienie, uwielbienieAbstrakt
The article describes a possible connection between the transfiguration of Jesus and the meeting of St. Paul with the glorified Jesus at Damascus. The article is divided into two parts. In the first part, the author tries to find the main common elements between the two stories. He accounts for them: three versions of each story, the main characters of each story and the similar courses of each story. In the second part, the author compares the terminology of each Gospel pericope with the terminology of each Acts pericope. He states that in each pair there are very important identical words such as Ἰησοῦς, φωνή, ἀκούώ λέγω. In the pairs: Mat 17, 1–8 and the Act 9, 3–9; Mat 17, 1–8 and Act 22, 6–11; Mat 17, 1–8 Act 26, 12–18 even more identical and important words can be found. It allows the author to come to the conclusion that the story of the transfiguration of Jesus and the meeting of St. Paul with the glorified Jesus at Damascus are harmonized. It is probably done to prove that St. Paul is an apostle because he saw the transfigured (glorified) Jesus as did St. Peter (and the other apostles).
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