Wybrane motywy biblijne z Ksiąg Jozuego i Sędziów w Godzinkach o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny


  • Krystian Ziaja Opole



Słowa kluczowe:

Godzinki o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Najświętsza Maryja Panna, Eucharystia, Jozue, Gedeon, Samson, sędzia, światło, runo, wełna, miód, zwycięstwo, pokarm


The aim of the article is better understanding of the Hours concerning the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Following motives from the books of Joshua and Judges were taken into consideration: The light from Gabaon (Joshua 10, 10–13), Gedeon’s fleece (Judges 6, 36–40), Samson’s honeycomb (Judges 14, 1–11). After the discussion of the above mentioned three texts we may ascertain that the author of Hours about the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary with accurate aim refers the texts to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Mary is the light from Gabaon, which showed people that he, whose mother she is, will make a salvation, the real victory that had been expected since Adam and Eve’s times. Moreover, she is the fleece of Gedeon because God made her a wonderful exception as among people only she was not stained by a sin. Furthermore, she is Samson’s honeycomb as inside her the one who is our Savior and our best food was born.



Jak cytować

Ziaja, K. (2010). Wybrane motywy biblijne z Ksiąg Jozuego i Sędziów w Godzinkach o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 63(1), 79–92. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.163



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