Theologian in the face of the contemporary world


  • Edward Staniek Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Theologian, task, current questions, apology, new language, new evangelization, empire of evil, misterium iniquitatis


The author cites first the various definitions of the theologian: 1) mystic who was initiated into the life of the Holy Trinity and received the grace to transmit this initiation to others; 2) mystic who knows how to convey his religious experience to others; 3) expert in theological literature, believer or not, with an academic title. Then he presents the current tasks of the Catholic theologian, understood as a believer expert in theology: 1) derived from revelation answer to questions posed by life; 2) apology of revealed truth and of the Church; 3) finding a new language for the new evangelization; 4) evangelical view of empire of evil, in which we are immersed.



How to Cite

Staniek, E. (2014). Theologian in the face of the contemporary world. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 67(2), 167–173.