Hybrid Solidarity Arek Surabaya Solidarity Shift in the Post Reformation Era in Indonesia





Arek Surabaya, community, solidarity, transformation, Reformation Era


This study tried to uncover solidarity shift of young people of Surabaya nicknamed “arek Surabaya” after the reformation era in Indonesia. The study was based on the assumption that solidarity is not static but dynamic. It is hypothesized that the solidarity has undergone some kinds of reformation era in Indonesia in 1998, after the fall of the new regime. It is also believed that social as well as political changes have significant impact to the social solidarity to change. .To obtain the research data a phenomenological method was utilized. The subjects of this research were people belonging to the Arek Community of Surabaya. The location of this research was in the old villages of the Surabaya City. A deep interview with the subjects and forum group discussion with people knowledgeable of arek Surabaya community were conducted. Based on the data obtain through interview and forum group discussion the research revealed that after the reformation, the condition of the people of Surabaya has changed. Large capital is more intense in Surabaya. In effect, many regions that were not previously economic centers were directed to become economic centers.


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How to Cite

Ryadi, A. (2021). Hybrid Solidarity Arek Surabaya Solidarity Shift in the Post Reformation Era in Indonesia. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 74(2), 41–67. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.3685


