From the papal ceremonial to the episcopal ceremonial. The influence of the Renaissance Cappella Papale on the liturgical rhythm of life of episcopal sees




Caeremoniale Episcoporum, Caeremoniale Romanum, papal liturgy, pontifical liturgy


The main source and basis of the pontifical liturgies is the Pontifical (Pontificale Romanum) and the Ceremonial of Bishops (Caeremoniale Episcoporum). While the former is a fully-fledged liturgical book, the latter is a book describing only the ceremonies (for the liturgy of the whole liturgical year) and the elements of the etiquette observed at former bishops’ courts, cathedrals and collegiates, describing in a way their daily life (from the election of the bishop, through the celebrations of the church year, to the detailed functions of ministers). The Ceremonial of Bishops, published for the first time in 1600 (by order of the Fathers of the Council of Trent), is in fact, as researchers and experts in liturgy point out, a Papal Ceremonial (Caeremoniale Romanum or Caeremoniale Apostolicum) adapted to the realities of the cathedral. This ceremony was the work of the so-called great masters of papal ceremonies (Agostino Piccolomini, Joannes Burchard, Paride Grassi). It turns out that the Roman liturgy (especially in its pontifical form, but also in its parish dimension), at least in its form until the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, was codified in the papal ceremonial, spreading throughout the Catholic world.


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How to Cite

Krzych, B. K. (2020). From the papal ceremonial to the episcopal ceremonial. The influence of the Renaissance Cappella Papale on the liturgical rhythm of life of episcopal sees. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 73(4), 293–308.


