The Freedom of the Sons of God on the Basis of Romans 8 : 12–17 and Galatians 4 : 1–7




freedom, child of God, son of God, Epistle to the Galatians, Epistle to the Romans


This article presents the connections between the state of being an adopted son of God by Christians and the freedom of humanity on the basis of Romans 8 : 12–17 and Galatians 4 : 1–7. At the beginning, it presents the state of the person before he or she is granted new existence and is a child of God. The different kinds of slavery that in these two fragments are presented by St. Paul and the symbolism of the young heir are discussed. The next part of the article presents Greek words that St. Paul uses to describe the state of the new existence of Christians; namely: ἡ υἱοθεσίά τό τέκνον, ὁ υἱός. The last part of this article is devoted to the connection that exists between being an adopted son of God and freedom.


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How to Cite

Górska, H. (2019). The Freedom of the Sons of God on the Basis of Romans 8 : 12–17 and Galatians 4 : 1–7. The Biblical and Liturgical Movement, 72(3), 197–209.


