Niebo na ziemi. Próba charakterystyki liturgii wschodniej
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Kościół wschodni, liturgia wschodnia, Liturgia Boża, Eucharystia, liturgia niebieska, sakramenty, obrządek, obrzędy, teologia, anamneza, eschatologia, niebo, ziemia, wieczność, pięknoAbstrakt
The main aim of this article is the general presentation and description of the eastern liturgy by emphasizing some of its characteristics different from the Latin one. The subject of the analysis was the Slavonic version of Byzantine rite which is better known in Poland and neighboring countries. The worship plays the leading role in the life of Eastern Churches. The liturgy is closely connected with teaching of the Church and it is also the source of theology. The East has never known the separation of spirituality, theology and ecclesiology from liturgy. The article presents some essential information about the Eucharist (called in the east the Divine Liturgy), the liturgy of the hours (the Divine Office), liturgical year and shows some differences in the celebration of the sacraments in comparison with the Latin practice. More important features of the eastern worship are the epiphanic, doxological, dynamic, anamnetical and eschatological ones. What strikes you about Eastern worship from the sociological point of view is its intimate union with culture and history of the lo- cal, national Church. From an external point of view the eastern liturgy is a synthesis of the arts and demonstrates a particular beauty. The liturgical action is not just a ceremony. It is an object of contemplation, an awesome vision, full of mystery. It is our participation in the liturgy of heaven, the implementation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Therefore, the actual purpose of the liturgy is our communing with God.Opublikowane
Jak cytować
Nowakowski, P. (2008). Niebo na ziemi. Próba charakterystyki liturgii wschodniej. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 61(3), 189–201.
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