Chryzostomowe Homilie na Księgę Rodzaju
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Jan Chryzostom, apologia, stworzenie, porządek bytów, obraz Boży, grzech, miłosierdzie Boga, zbawienie, Homilie na Księgę RodzajuAbstrakt
The series of the eight homilies on Genesis written by John Chrysostom include many clues to why the article was chosen. It is considered on the grounds that it is leitmotiv. It is the clue of the order of beings – settled at the moment of creation, spoiled by sin, looked to be restored by human effort and fully realized in Christ. This order, which consists on the different relations, is shown as the important point of interest in the examination of the others clues. We are referring to the dignity of the man created in God’s image as well as similitude; the system of the dependencies between the beings; the significance of the sin of the people at the beginning and other sins; the idea in which God loves man; the salvation and the reward of the Kingdom of Heaven. This article tends also to show, how Chrysostom looks to help his followers during their meeting Christ, in the way of the studying the Scrip- ture, of dogmas and of the life, which should be coherent to the Scripture.Opublikowane
Jak cytować
Kaczmarek, S. (2008). Chryzostomowe Homilie na Księgę Rodzaju. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 61(2), 101–110.
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