Główne wyznaczniki metodologii canonical approach według Brevarda S. Childsa


  • Michał Zmuda Kraków



Słowa kluczowe:

B. S. Childs, egzegeza, podejście kanoniczne, kanon biblijny, forma finalna


The article is a description of main methodological guidelines of the canonical approach according to Brevard S. Childs, a former professor and specialist of the Old Testament at Divinity School of Yale University (New Haven). This new interpretation of the Bible, brought forth by the Pontifical Biblical Commission in The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church has arisen as the basis of critique of several assumptions in regard to the historical critical method connected with the insufficient use of theological dimension of biblical texts in exegesis. Main methodological issues of canonical approach are characterized by the in- terpretation in faith; canon the as norm and border in explanation of biblical texts; emphasis on final form of canonical text; serious treatment of canonical context and unity of the Bible in exegesis. The fundamentals of canonical approach presented let us define it as a “third way” in exegesis, leading through bridge between history and theology.



Jak cytować

Zmuda, M. (2008). Główne wyznaczniki metodologii canonical approach według Brevarda S. Childsa. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 61(1), 5–14. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.312


