Życie i działanie św. Pawła Apostoła w świetle liturgii Kościoła


  • Paweł Maciaszek Częstochowa



Słowa kluczowe:

Św. Paweł Apostoł, msza święta, liturgia godzin, życie duchowe


In the liturgical calendar St. Paul is mentioned twice – for the first time on the day of his conversion (25 January), and then during the celebration – in common with St. Peter the Apostle – when the congregation contemplates his life and martyr’s death (29 June). In this article, through the analysis of liturgical texts about St. Paul – biblical readings and forms of the Holy Mass, and Liturgy of the Hours – the spiritual richness and depth of mysteries of salvation are transmitted to the Church community by this Apostle of the Nations. The Apostle of Tarsus, through his life and deeds, showed us the power of the Holy Spirit operating in mankind, who makes us God’s children and lets us live not according to worldly but according to spiritual values. By giving His gifts to people, He contributes to the development of the Church. The Apostle is also the example of acceptance of the Gospel, which is revealed through preaching the Good News to all peoples. He shows that one can endure pain and suffering for sake of the Gospel. And sacrificing our life, giving it for the act of salvation leads to friendship with Christ and brotherly love. The liturgical texts which are designed to be prayed on St. Paul’s days deeper the certainty that God’s people have that Jesus was resurrected and is alive, and wishes to lead each man on the way to salvation.



Jak cytować

Maciaszek, P. (2009). Życie i działanie św. Pawła Apostoła w świetle liturgii Kościoła. Ruch Biblijny I Liturgiczny, 62(2), 131–144. https://doi.org/10.21906/rbl.202



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