Geneza i historia fermentum
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Eucharystia, fermentum, jedność, papież, biskup, prezbiter, commixtioAbstrakt
Since the priests who serve the titles cannot be with the Pope at his solemn Sunday mass, he sends to each of them a particle of the bread which he has just consecrated, and this particle is called fermentum. It is carried by acolytes in linen bags to the churches inside the city, and when the celebrant receives it he places it in the chalice. This unites his mass with that of the pope. Introduction of this custom is attributed by Liber Pontificalis (VI century) to Miltiades (311–314) and to Siricius (384–399). Such fermentum disappeared in the VII century, surviving only in the case of a stational mass celebrated in the absence of a pope by a priest or bishop, and for the mass celebrated by priests in their own churches on Holy Saturday. The custom of such fermentum lasted in Rome to the VIII or IX century. At this time appeared a new custom – sancta. It was the fragment reserved from the Eucharist consecrated at the last mass in that church, and brought to the altar at the introit (or offertory) to symbolize the perpetual identity of the sacrifice offered in the Eucharist, was placed in the chalice to partake. The longest, to the XIII or XIV century, fermentum survived in the holy orders bishops, priests and consecrated maids.
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